Natural gas logistics management using multi-criteria optimisation methods

Sergey N. Lanin - postgraduate student. St. Petersburg State University of Economics


The article examines modern approaches to improve the efficiency of logistics processes in natural gas distribution. The main objective of the article is to develop and justify a combined approach for optimising these processes, including the use of graph theory and multi-criteria genetic algorithms to minimise the transportation costs and to maximise the revenue. The study demonstrates that the proposed approach can significantly reduce transaction costs and increase revenue through more efficient management of transport and resource allocation. The paper emphasises the importance of adaptability and flexibility of the logistics system in a dynamically changing external environment. Particular attention is paid to multi-criteria optimisation, which takes into account such important aspects as minimising transport costs, maximising revenue and ensuring security of supply. The proposed approach can be applied both at the national and international level, which is especially relevant in the context of current geopolitical changes and sanctions risks. The author also points out the need for further research to utilise data on available capacity in underground gas storage facilities and the possibility of booking additional transport capacity. The proposed approach is a powerful tool for improving the competitiveness of the Russian gas industry and ensuring the country's economic stability.

Keywords: natural gas logistics; multi-criteria optimisation; graph theory; genetic algorithm; transportation efficiency; logistics management; competitiveness; Russian gas industry.

For citation: Lanin S.N. Natural gas logistics management using multi-criteria optimisation methods. Digital models and solutions. 2024. Vol. 3, no. 3. Pp. 24–46. DOI: 10.29141/2949- 477X-2024-3-3-2. EDN: ETUDTS.

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