Analysis of the components of information reliability of distributed systems for monitoring a critical agricultural object

Yury V. Sosnovsky - PhD, associate professor of the department of computer engineering and modeling, Institute of Physics and Technology. V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


The article deals with the issues of information reliability of distributed monitoring systems on the example of a critical agricultural facility. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the significant role of agricultural development in the country's food security, the success of which depends, in particular, on the effectiveness of monitoring systems as not an integral element of management systems. The main components of a complex heterogeneous distributed monitoring system are considered. The conclusion is summarized that the use of each of the components requires additional clarification for which component this or that reliability property is applied.

Keywords: information reliability; distributed monitoring system; heterogeneous distributed system; functional reliability; structural reliability; operational reliability; software reliability; agriculture.

For citation: Sosnovsky Y. V. Analysis of the components of information reliability of distributed systems for monitoring a critical agricultural object. Digital models and solutions. 2022. Vol. 1, no. 1. DOI: 10.29141/2782-4934-2022-1-1-1. EDN: JHYNAT.

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