
Digital models and solutions was founded in 2022 by Ural State University of Economics as an open access scientific peer-reviewed print title. From 2017 to 2022 the journal was known as “e-FORUM”.

The journal is included in Russia’s List of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and titles, which publish the major research results of dissertations for a doctorate and candidate degrees on the scientific specialty 5.2.2. Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods in economics.

The journal is issued quarterly (four times a year).

Registration certificate by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media PI №ФС77-83400 of June 07, 2022

ISSN: 2949-477X

e-ISSN: 2782-4934


The remit of the journal corresponds to the following specialties:

  • p. 2.3.1 «System analysis, management and data processing, statistics»;
  • p. 5.2.2 «Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods of economics»;
  • p. 5.2.6 «Management».


Articles submitted to the journal “Digital models and solutions” can be published in the Russian and English languages in the following sections:

  • System analysis (p. 2.3.1);
  • Management, data processing and artificial intelligence (p. 2.3.1);
  • Economic and statistical methods of data analysis (p. 5.2.2);
  • Intellectual data analysis (p. 5.2.2);
  • Mathematical and imitational economic models (p. 5.2.2);
  • Management of data systems (p. 5.2.6);
  • Management of economic systems (p. 5.2.6);
  • Strategies of public and corporative management (p. 5.2.6);
  • Strategic and game models (Chess).


Editors have a right to reject submitted materials if:

–         it has already been published in other titles;

–         materials are not relevant to the remit of the journal;

–         articles do not provide any new information or are irrelevant to the scientific activity;

–         materials content is incorrect.


Founding university and publisher:

Ural State University of Economics

Address of the founding university and publisher:

620144, RF, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta/Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45


The journal does not charge a publication fee