Fuzzy model for assessing the impact of the indicators of the «happiness index» in the countries of the world on the result

Alexey O. Nedosekin - Doctor of economic sciences, candidate of technical sciences, vice-president of the Russian branch of the international laboratory International Fuzzy Economics Lab, General Director. SI-FINANCE LLC

Zinaida I. Abdulaeva - Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of medical informatics and physics. I.I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Denis S. Mironov - Candidate of economic sciences, deputy director of the institute of economics and finance. Ural State University of Economics


The article deals with the content of the concept of "happiness index". As a result of the literary analysis, some methods and approaches to its research have been identified. The choice and advantage of using the theory of fuzzy sets to evaluate the happiness index in the countries of the world is substantiated. The process of constructing a fuzzy model of the happiness index in the countries of the world in the fuzzyTECH environment is described. The main conclusions and results of the approbation of the constructed model are discussed. It is established that the model allows us to assess the well-being of the population at the current moment, thereby allowing us to adjust the directions of development of the state.

Keywords: fuzzy model; fuzzy set; happiness index; well-being; fuzzyTECH; heuristic rules.

For citation: Nedosekin A. O., Abdulaeva Z. I., Mironov D. S. Fuzzy model for assessing the impact of the indicators of the «happiness index» in the countries of the world on the result. Digital models and solutions. 2022. Vol. 1, no. 1. DOI: 10.29141/2782-4934-2022- 1-1-4. EDN: OPDOWE.

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