Digital technologies: new approaches to the traceability of grain flows in Russia

Roza T. Timakova - Professor of the Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality, Professor of the Department of Food Engineering. Ural State University of Economics

Ruslan V. Iliukhin - Postgraduate student, Ural State University of Economics; Senior teacher of the Department of Information Systems Security. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications


The article deals with issues related to the development of the grain complex of Russia. Grain, as a strategically important agricultural raw material, serves as an indicator of achieving the country's food security. Despite the significant grain harvest collected in 2022, there are certain internal difficulties in the agro-industrial complex that affect the quantitative and qualitative indicators of grain crops: insufficient working capital, lack of qualified specialists, a large number of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, technological lag, etc. The national platform “Digital Agriculture” accumulates information about all producers, conditions of storage and transportation of agricultural raw materials. Total digitalization allows the introduction of modern technological solutions aimed at automating business processes and ensuring the traceability of the flow of grain crops and seeds at all stages of the food chain from the moment of cultivation to complete processing, import or export abroad using federal state information systems “Zerno”, “Argus-Fito” and the introduced system “Semenovodstvo”.

Keywords: grain flow; agro-industrial complex; digitalization; FGIS Zerno, FGIS Argus-Phyto.

For citation: Timakova R. T., Iliukhin R. V. Digital technologies: new approaches to the traceability of grain flows in Russia. Digital models and solutions. 2023. Vol. 2, no. 2. DOI: 10.29141/2782-4934-2023-2-2-6. EDN: KNGYQQ.

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