System analytics of data redundancy of corporate information systems using the theory of symmetry

Oxana L. Kopnova - Master of Engineering and Technology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybaev

Aliya M. Aitymova - Master of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Theory and Methods of Primary and Preschool Education”. North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybaev

Gulmira M. Abildinova - Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov


In this article, we will consider an example of the analysis of a corporate information system in order to eliminate the data redundancy of a corporate information system using the symmetry method. The proposed analysis may be of interest to both analysts of universities and large enterprises whose corporate information system consists of several integrated systems. The main types of information systems integration are described. The methodology presents an algorithm for analyzing the redundancy of information systems data in the outline of a corporate information system. The given example describes what problems there may be when merging information systems. The presented data analysis algorithm can be scaled to the corporate information system of any enterprise or organization.

Keywords: symmetry theory; data analysis; corporate information system.

For citation: Kopnova O. L., Aitymova A. M., Abildinova G. M. System analytics of data redundancy of corporate information systems using the theory of symmetry. Digital models and solutions. 2023. Vol. 2, no. 3. Pp. 51–60. DOI: 10.29141/2949-477X-2023-2-3-4. EDN: DPVJWP.

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