Analysis of information systems integration methods

Guzal A. Belalova - Senior lecturer of the department of аrtificial intelligence. Tashkent State University of Economics


The integration of information systems in a single circuit is of high relevance for the activities of economic entities, since it ensures the effective functioning of the organization's information system, contributes to its competitiveness. In the context of digital transformation, business managers and services responsible for information support are forced to look for optimal methods and technologies for information systems integration. The article discusses modern methods used in the componential integration into a single information space of economic objects. Examples of integration methods’ application of information systems in the Republic of Uzbekistan are given. It is noted that the choice of the most effective integration method depends on the organization’s needs, resources and existing infrastructure.

Keywords: unified information space; integration tool; integration method; high-performance information systems; software product; integration level; openness of information systems, competitiveness of companies.

For citation: Belalova G. A. Analysis of information systems integration methods. Digital models and solutions. 2023. Vol. 2, no. 3. Pp. 61–68. DOI: 10.29141/2949-477X-2023-2-3- 5. EDN: GUUWBY.

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