Modeling of flows under dams using the method of singular points
Nikolay P. Petrov - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics. Ural State University of Economics
Svetlana N. Petrova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics (Ural State University of Economics; Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences. UMMC Techni cal University; Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Management Systems. Chebok sary Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University
Natalia V. Korzhavina - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences. UMMC Technical University; Associate Professor of the Department of Transport and Energy Systems. Cheboksary Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University
Today, the relevance of issues related to regular and safe water supply for human beings, society and the economy is beyond doubt. One of the main ways to store and man age water resources is the construction and operation of dams. The most important task of sustainable existence and development of reservoir projects is dam safety. To ensure this, theoretical research, creation of mathematical and computer models of the physical phe nomena and engineering structures under study are necessary. The paper proposes methods for constructing flows in the middle sections of a dam with a linear filtration law by ap propriately placing special flow points and applying conformal transformations. Filtration f lows with different outlines of impermeable floodplain, flows under a dam with filters in homogeneously isotropic and heterogeneously anisotropic soils are considered.
Keywords: filtration; flooding; anisotropy; sheet pile; potential; dam; current function
For citation: Petrov N.P., Petrova S.N., Korzhavina N.V. Modeling of flows under dams using the method of singular points. Digital models and solutions. 2024. Vol. 3, no. 4. Pp. 101–111. DOI: 10.29141/2949-477X-2024-3-4-7. EDN: HLASLT.